Struts 2.x Course
Duration: 1 Month
Struts2 is brand new implementaion of MVC provided
by Apache Software Foundation for developing Web Applications
in Java. This framework integrates best design practices supported
by the industry and frameworks. The purpose of this course is to train the students
in the usage of framework for developing scalable, Dynamic Web Applications.
Course Content:-
Struts 2.x
- Introduction to MVC architecture
- Struts2 architecture
- Struts2 Components
- Controller
- Actions
- Interceptors
- Result and View Components
- ValueStack and OGNL
- Struts Tag Library
- Control Tags
- Data Tags
- UI Tags
- Understanding ActionContext and ActionInvocation
- Implementing Custom interceptors
- Implementing Custom Result
- Use of Common predefined interceptors
- Params
- Exception
- I18n
- execAndWait
- servletconfig
- validation
- workflow
- modeldriven
- Custom & predefined validations
- Validatable & ValidationAware
- Required
- requiredString
- int,double & date
- email
- stringLength
- regex
- Internationalization
- Generating composite views using Tiles
- Tiles configuration
- Tiles Tag library
- Tiles result
- Tiles layout
- Using velocity for generating views
- Using zero configuration plug in
- Struts2 Conventions
- Annotation based configuration
Prerequisite:-Knowledge of Core Java
as well as Servlet and JSP is must for this course.