J2EE Course
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Duration: 3 Months
Java 2 enterprise Edition (J2EE) is a platform for building distributed, scalable, platform independent server-side Enterprise Applications. Today java is one of the most mature and commonly used programming language for building enterprise softwares. Java is providing enterprise solutions to small, medium and large enterprise throughout the world and is a leading player in mobile applications. The need of java professionals is growing day by day, which is in itself, a testimony to its success.
Course Content:
Servlet API 3.x |
- Introduction to JEE
- Overview of Dynamic web applications
- Introduction to Servlet
- Servlet life cycle
- Annotations and their use in Servlet development
- Difference b/w web server & application server
- Installing and configuring web & application server
- Web Application formats
- Deployment modes supported by servers
- Creating and deploying a simple web application
- Understanding the role of ServletRequest & ServletResponse
- Differene b/w parameters and attributes
- Using different content type for response
- Using RequestDispatcher for Include & Forward
- Initialization Parameters and their use
- ServletConfig & ServletContext
- Inter application collaboration
- State Management and use of HttpSession & Cookies
- Hidden Form fields and URL Rewriting
- Using Http only Cookies
- Listeners and web application events
- Applying Filters to servlets
- Asynchronous request processing
- File Uploading & downloading
- Security
Java Server pages (JSP) |
- Advantages of JSP over Servlet
- JSP Architecture
- Integration of JSP & Servlet API.
- JSP implicit objects
- Use of JSP Tags, Actions and Directives
- Error Handling in JSP
- Using Java Beans in JSP
- Defining Custom Tags
JSTL & Expression Language |
Tools & IDE |
- Installing eclipse
- Understanding Perspective & workspaces
- Changing Compiler, JRE and other setting
- Adding and removing plug-in
- Creating various type of projects
- Closing & Importing projects
- Building projects
- Managing Libraries and Dependencies
- Adding jar files from eclipse library
- Adding third party jar
- Removing jar files from a project
- Code Generation & Refactoring
- Generating getter & Setter methods
- Generating constructors
- Overriding and implementing methods
- Renaming classes and members
- Moving classes and packages
- Extracting interfaces and abstract classes
- Configuring web/application server
- Starting and stopping servers
- Deploying and undeploying applications
- Debug perspective
- Using line, method, exception and data member breakpoints.
- Setting up conditional breakpoints.
- Using step into, step over, step return and resume.
- Peeking into stack and heap contents
- Introduction to JUnit
- Understanding assertions
- Writing & executing Test Cases
- Managing test cases with Test Suites
- Subversion (SVN) Code Repository & Client
- Need of Code Repository
- Architecture of SVN Code Repository
- Configuring Project in a SVN Code Repository
- Installing SVN Client
- Connecting client to SVN Repository
- Checking out project form the repository
- Updating SVN and local repository
- Understanding the need of Logging
- Introduction to Apache Log4j
- Log4j Architecture: Appender, Logger & Layout
- Log4j Configuration for web application
Prerequisite:-Knowledge of Core Java is must for this course. |